Fertility and reproduction


Common issues that are experienced are an inability or difficulty in becoming pregnant and/or an ability to carry a pregnancy (miscarriage).

A number of Homeopathic medicines are beneficial in cases of miscarriage  or infertility without any identifiable medical reason. It is optimal to start treatment before getting pregnant, if you have a history of miscarriage or infertility for both male and female.

If there is a particular identified medical reason for either a reduction in fertility or miscarriage, that would need to be addressed in the first instance. It is important to have a discussion about the options for, and expected outcomes of treatment before commencing. This can help to plan the best path, which may, depending on the reason, include other treatment options along with Homeopathy.

Many factors may contribute to fertility , such as hormonal imbalance, and irregularity of menstrual cycle, male sperm count, sperm motility, stresses, diet, exposure to toxins, or can be attributed to issues like PCOS and endometriosis.

A Homeopathic consultation for fertility will take a thorough case, taking into account all potential or identified reasons for infertility. The individual treatment program is wholistic.

Homeopathic clinical trials in the treatment of fertility:

A study of 67 women showed 57 percent improvement in fertility14. Homeopathic treatment seemed to influence several factors important to inducing pregnancy, including regulation of the menstrual cycle, regulation of hormones and enhancing ovulation. The study was a so-called randomized double-blind placebo-controlled trial, where who received homeopathic treatment and who received inert placebo pills was unknown until after the study.

In a trial of 45 sub-fertile men, numbers and quality of sperm cells improved after individualised homeopathic treatment15. Couples involved in the project had tried to become pregnant for an average of over four years (range from 2 to 11 years). Researchers found 65 percent increase in the number of sperm cells in men with particularly low cell numbers, and 37 percent increase overall.

Good motility is crucial in order for sperm cells to reach and fertilise an egg. After one year of homeopathic treatment, the percentage of sperm cells with good motility had increased by over 80 percent. The greatest effect was seen in men with both low numbers and poor motility of sperm cells, with an improvement of over 180 percent. Participants also experienced improvement in their general state of health, including a reduced consumption of alcohol and cigarette smoking which also positively influenced results.