Homeopathic First Aid


Did you know that the most popular over the counter flu medicine in Europe is a homeopathic medicine? Treat yourself and your family for every day illness gently and naturally. 

The homeopathic first aid kit and booklet contains 22 homeopathic medicines, (including the famous flu remedy) and directions for their use in common illnesses and injuries.

The kit and book covers colds and flus, earaches, headache, infections, fevers, nausea and vomiting,  diarrhhoea and stomach upset, general injuries, pain, muscular aches and sprains, bruising, burns, bites and stings, and wound treatment.

To purchase a kit or register your interest for a first aid course night, please send me an email with your contact details and I will contact you, or call 9191 7390.

First Aid kits which are more specific can also be purchased with a consultation.

Kit for infants and babies
Covers issues such as colic, teething, feeding and sleeping issues as well as childhood illnesses.

Kit for labour and birth
Medicines which can be used to ease the labour process, and promote speedy post labour recovery.

Kits for travel
A base kit includes general travel issues such as upset stomach, diarrhoea, vomiting, as well as adding further medicines to prevent disease depending on the location.