Infants and Children

By its deep acting abilities to address individual susceptibility to recurrent disease states, Homeopathy can not only treat the symptoms of childhood illnesses gently by strengthening their natural responses but support the building of a strong, robust immune system.



Baby - istockphotoWith its gentle and safe (no toxic side effects), but very effective usage, Homeopathy continues to treat many babies for the symptoms of a wide range of issues that can occur at this time such as  gastric reflux, sleeplessness, nappy rash, constipation, clinginess, (can’t be put down), colds, eczema and other issues.

Colic and Teething are two common issues in babies that  a few gentle doses of Homeopathic medicine given at home has provided great relief to both baby and parent.

A short drop in consultation can ascertain the best medicines to take home and have ready in preparation to avoid those long nights of zero sleep and high stress.




Learning and development is not just limited to the mental and emotional sphere, and brain development. Other physical systems like the immune system and gastro-intestinal system are developing and learning just as quickly.

Many parents report that when their child first goes to day care or kindergarten they get a chain of colds, coughs and flus. This is normal.

Some signs of a weakened immune system can be slowness of recovery from illness (a generally healthy child should have the energy to bounce back quickly from illness), and a greater number of recurrent colds, coughs and flus.

Other signs of an immune system that is not working properly are recurrent ear infections (which can lead to glue ear if not properly treated), hayfever, allergies and asthma.

Homeopathic treatment for children during this time can be so beneficial. Their life patterns, behavioural responses and constitutional strengths and reactions are being laid down. By its deep acting abilities to address individual susceptibility to recurrent disease states, Homeopathy can not only treat the symptoms of childhood illnesses gently by strengthening their natural responses but support the building of a strong, robust immune system.

Other issues that I see in the clinic for children are anxiety, phobias, fear, sleeplessness, bedwetting and behavioural issues.

Homeopathy will provide your child with new answers to clear issues and halt the cycle of recurrent illness.

There is much interest in Homeopathy and its treatment of disorders such as Autism Spectrum and ADD, ADHD.